Wiki To do

From 18TRIP Wiki
Revision as of 06:33, 25 May 2024 by Hoshimeguri (talk | contribs)

This page contains the communal to-do list for the wiki, along with a list of needed assets. For the assets list, you can either just upload them and add a comment under the listed item (use a ** if using source editor) or you can upload, add the uploaded assets to the necessary pages, and delete the listed item entirely.

Feel free to add things, and when you finish something please remove it from the list! Thanks for your help everyone :)

To do

  • Add info to Game guide! its ok if its unformatted for now, people will still appreciate knowing how to play the game!
  • edit main page group headers to be more readable
  • we either need to switch to one color for chara infobox bgs or go through and edit half of them to have white text so they are readable
  • add a little box or circle next to the image color showing the color
    • figure out why putting a # in the image color field makes it change to a 1.??
    • Template:Color box has the box coding, but when you add it in putting the hex code as text next to it gets messed up?
  • add quotes for Tao Kinouchi and all the L4mps members (currently placeholder "quote")
  • work on cards/image gallery pages
  • make pages for the groups and newly added charas (not necessarily filled in, just the templates)
  • story directory with (possibly) summaries of each chapter/episode
    • possibly translations ONLY WITH permission from translators, with credits & attributes

Assets needed

  • pretty much most of the official art
  • all cards - we can still upload these before we have card pages finished