Kuguri Domeki

From 18TRIP Wiki

I've been a good boy, so come over here. Please loosen these belts. They're quite restrictive...

Kuguri Domeki

Kuguri Domeki is a member of Ev3ns in 18TRIP. He is the ex-genius pianist who leads to to despair's kindness.

Profile[edit | edit source]

A person of note incarcerated for being a dangerous criminal. He’s a genuine sadist who excels in deceiving people, taking pleasure in exploiting people’s good intentions and amplifying psychological trauma. He was once a pianist who was applauded in contests all over the world for his precise and superb technique, but disappeared from the world of classical music after a certain incident.

Appearance[edit | edit source]


Personality[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • WIP